12 Easy Ways To Celebrate Earth Day That Make a Big Difference!
April 14, 2021
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April 14, 2021 at 4:55:19 p.m.

On Thursday, April 22, 2021, people all over the world will come together to show their gratitude for our planet through actions that make our environment a healthier and more vital place today and for generations to come.
Air pollution, waste production and emissions are taking a toll on the earth - and that can seem overwhelming for many people. Thankfully, taking effective action can be easier than most people think through small habit changes that make a big difference.
How You Can Celebrate Earth Day
Living in a consumer-based market economy means that our consumption habits profoundly affect how businesses conduct their activities. Along with changing our buying habits, we can also take small steps at home every day that lead to big changes. Here are 12 ways to make that happen:
1. Avoid buying plastic bottles - Sodas and sugary fruit juices are more than just bad for your health. The bottles used to package these drinks can take up to 500 years to decompose while polluting the soil and water table.
2. Change paper bills to online billing - Log onto your online banking and utility accounts and see if you can switch to online billing. Besides saving paper, it’s a convenient way to track your spending activities and pay your bills on time!
3. Plant trees or donate to The Canopy Project - For every dollar donated, a tree gets planted!
4. Plant your own food - Just like with planting a tree, planting a garden helps remove Co2 from the air in addition to ensuring you have clean, pesticide-free healthy food that tastes great.
5. Make your own self-care products - Did you know that store-bought creams contain harmful chemicals that actually make you age faster? The solution is to make your own creams and lotions - and it’s easier than most people believe! Not only can these be more effective, but they help you save money, produce less waste, and leave you with a healthy glow!
6. Join a cleanup - Have fun, get some exercise, and meet some great people by joining a cleanup! Check out this map to find an event near you.
7. Use reusable grocery bags - Show the earth you care by reducing plastic through the use of reusable grocery bags. They look smart, last a long time, and prevent plastic from going to the landfill and polluting the soil.
8. Reduce food waste by composting - Food waste contributes to our overall garbage burden. Learn how to create compost from extra food. Your plants (and the earth) will thank you!
9. Support organic farmers - Pesticides and herbicides pollute the soil and introduce dangerous chemicals into our water supply. Support organic farmers that produce GMO-free natural food that’s healthier, tastes better, and benefits the earth.
10. Bike, carpool or take public transit to work - Why spend hours alone in traffic when there are other options? Biking to work, ride-sharing and taking transit help reduce your carbon footprint while saving a lot of money.
11. Reduce workplace energy usage with controls and sensors - Take advantage of controls and sensors on modern heating and cooling systems. Using them is an effortless way to make the environment more comfortable while reducing energy use and electricity costs.
12. Use LEDs at home and in the workplace - When it comes to addressing environmental issues, LEDs are part of the solution. They help reduce your carbon footprint, save money and provide superior lighting throughout the home and workplace.
Radiance Energy can help you make a green transition - with no money down!
Lighting can take up nearly 20% of an electricity bill for an average commercial building. Radiance Energy helps businesses save up to 90% of energy costs by switching to LEDs - with no charges upfront and financing plans that quickly pay for the project.
The Government of Canada is on track to reach net-zero emissions by 2050. You can join the effort by switching to LEDs. Your investment will pay off through massive cost savings while benefitting the planet. There’s never been a better time to switch to LEDs, so click here to book your complimentary audit today!